Throughout the year, the Wrightwood Arts Center will be featuring artists at the Wrightwood Community Building and Wrightwood Arts Center. For information on how to apply as an artist, view our art show application.

Upcoming Shows

Picture Me Here
A Community Project Production by Drawing Together
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (opening)

(Wrightwood Arts Center)

Picture Me Here is a community project that includes an art exhibition and art lessons inspired by the art practices of four contemporary artists that use their cultural identity as inspiration for their artwork. Additionally, these artists are not usually showcased in rural communities such as Wrightwood, where residents may miss out on seeing a broader range of artists.

When we are exposed to new people and artwork it benefits our health! We may experience a stronger sense of community and sense of belonging. This project will allow some residents to see themselves represented in these artists, while other community members may be introduced to new art styles.

You’re invited to meet the artists in person and see their artwork at the Wrightwood Arts Center (6020 Park Dr, Wrightwood, CA 92397) starting April 30, 2022, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., or on Saturdays (May 7, 14, 21) from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

After the show closes there will be an archive of documentation at

Cultural identity as Inspiration for Artwork

Culture is the shared characteristics of a group of people, which can include the place of birth, religion, language, cuisine, social behaviors, art, literature, and music. Cultural identity can be related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture. The cultural identity of the four artists presented in this project have inspired the artwork that they create. Here are a few thoughts on this from our artists in their own words:

“My family heritage has taught me that nature is sacred and needs preservation, often my work shows the beauty of nature and Indigenous symbolism that I hold close to my heart.”
—Reyna Rivera

“My cultural identity is my experience and viewpoint towards the world, which underlines all of my artwork. My everyday life as an Asian American woman and mother influences my art practice. Food, customs, appearance, and language are all part of my life, which have also become part of my artwork.”
—Ching Ching Chen

“I’m interested in the places and ways we find food, art and culture. I like to make maps and diagrams about them so we can see them better, or decorate things we use everyday to make them look more special. When we celebrate the small things from our lives that make us happy and make our day easier, then we are able to be happy in groups and support each other when times get tough.” —Teresa Flores

“My work is an exploration of what I want my experience as a Black woman to be like. It is colorful, bright, and bold. It prioritizes Black women, puts them front and center, and reduces distractions from the outside world while recognizing and acknowledging the emotions that come through in many shapes and shades.”
—A’Kailah Byrd-Greene

Calling All Artists

If you’d like to contribute artwork for use in these monthly newsletters, or hanging work for the Artist Spotlight at the WW Community Building, follow the guidelines and fill out the application.

Past Shows

November 2022 | Symbiosis: Ceramics by Mary Duman
September 2022 | Broadsides by Jean Gillingwators
February 2020 | Handmade Jewelry by Suzi McKinney
January 2020 | Photography by Janet Thornhill
December 2019 | The Creative Process by Chet Noll
October 2019 | Paintings by Gayle Dowling
July 2019 | Photography by Zach Budd
March 2019 | Paintings by LoLLY and Katherine Flores