

Would you like to become a member and help support local arts?

See membership level benefits below!

SKU: N/A Category:


Annual Membership Benefits

Individual ($25)

  • Special member rates on select Wrightwood Arts Center classes and events.
  • Access to the WAC open studio Monday afternoons.
  • Optional listing on the with brief description of your practice & your website (fill out the Membership Details form if interested).
  • Opportunity to host a Wrightwood Arts Center quarterly “mixer” to educate the community about what you do (e.g, massage/healing practitioner).

Family ($45)

  • Special member rates on select Wrightwood Arts Center classes and events for household family members (parents and children).
  • Access to the WAC open studio Monday afternoons.
  • Optional listing on the with brief description of your practice & your website (fill out the Membership Details form if interested).

Organization ($100)

  • Entire page on website with text written by you and posted by the editor.
  • Access to a Wrightwood Arts Center calendar on which you post your planned events, classes and activities, well in advance and with consideration/discussion of “overlapping.” This will enhance communication and coordination between local organizations to minimize overlap and competition for a limited audience.
  • Opportunity to be featured in the Wrightwood Arts Center newsletter.
  • Opportunity to host a Wrightwood Arts Center quarterly “mixer” to educate the community about your organization’s purpose and activities.
  • Promotion through a variety of Wrightwood Arts Center outlets and efforts: this website, Facebook “boosts”, newsletter, AAA magazine calendar submissions, press releases, etc. (fill out the Membership Details form to provide information).
  • Special member rates on select Wrightwood Arts Center classes and events.
  • Access to the WAC open studio Monday afternoons.


  • Listing on Patron page (Optional)
  • Option to include a description of your organization, business or practice & logo (text & logo provided by you)
  • Listing in the Wrightwood Arts Center newsletter
  • Opportunity to host a Wrightwood Arts Center quarterly “mixer” to educate the community about your organization, business &/or activities
  • Special member rates on select Wrightwood Arts Center classes and events.
  • Access to the WAC open studio Monday afternoons.

To become a patron, use our donation page and give any amount.

Suggested Levels:
Bronze: $25 – $149
Silver: $150 – $299
Gold: $300-499
Platinum: $500 +


All funds will be spent on promotional efforts.

Additional information

Membership Level

Individual, Family, Organization