Staffed by local artists and volunteers, the Wrightwood Arts Center offers workshops in the visual, music, movement, textile, healing, performance and literary arts, while working to support other artists and arts organizations within the Wrightwood community.

Set high in the San Gabriel Mountains, amidst one of the nation’s newest National Monuments, Wrightwood offers inspiration from nature and from the peace this lovely small town offers.


Guiding Principles


For Wrightwood to become a gathering place for dynamic engagement with the Arts in the Tri-Community, High Desert & and beyond! We define the Arts as the creative process which is expressed in a multitude of ways, including: the visual, literary, musical, performance, textile, healing and movement arts, among others.


The Wrightwood Arts Center (WAC) and its members, through multidisciplinary classes, performances and programs inspires creative expression in people of all ages, fosters an environment for the arts to flourish and promotes art activities in Wrightwood.


Providing a welcoming environment in Wrightwood for people of all ages and backgrounds to share in the making of art

Promoting art experiences as essential components of individual growth and community life

Adapting programs and services as the needs of the community change

Maintaining an organizational culture in which all member organizations and volunteers are respected, valued, & recognized

Minimizing overlap of arts events, programs and activities in the Wrightwood area


1. To coordinate, collaborate and promote local arts organizations and their activities in Wrightwood.

2. To provide multidisciplinary classes, camps, workshops and events in the visual, literary, musical, performance, textile, healing and movement arts throughout the year through participating arts organizations.

3. To foster a positive learning environment and level of instructor expertise that is valued by participants and parents and community members.

4. To strengthen community-wide support for WAC and its members to ensure long-term sustainability.

5. To create marketing programs that build awareness of the Wrightwood Arts community and enhance participation.

6. To foster a quality work/play/art environment for WAC members, volunteers and participants.