Thank you for your interest in applying to exhibit your art or teach a class for the Wrightwood Arts Center. After submission, the WAC Artist Liaison and Board will review your Application for approval. We will notify you of our decision.

Art show must be approved at least 6 weeks prior to date of show. WAC refers to the Wrightwood Arts Center.

WAC will provide the following:

• Access to the specified location for artist to set up, time to be arranged with Liaison.
• Access to the specified location during the show
• Access to the specified location for tear down, time to be arranged with Liaison
• Display space as specified by WAC Liaison at the specified location
• Listing of show on WAC calendar
• Inclusion in WAC Newsletter.
• Facebook boosts to announce show opening

WAC will NOT provide the following:

• Insurance coverage of artist work
• Hanging or set up of artist work
• Food and beverages for the opening

Artist will provide the following:
• Artwork emailed to
• Permission for WAC to use images of artwork in a variety of media for purposes of promotion and review of the show
• 10% of sales from show is payable to WAC
• Pick up flyers and distribute around town
• Food and beverage for the opening show
• Set up and tear down of artwork
• Cleaning of specified location after show: dust/mop, clean toilet (WAC Only), area of food service, and any area affected by the art show including set-up and tear-down

Artists showing at the Wrightwood Community Building will be required to sign a separate agreement with the Wrightwood Community Building.