This application is for individuals wishing to rent the WAC (Wrightwood Art Center) space.

Hourly rental is $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Payment for dates and hours will be due prior to use on a monthly basis.

Cleaning/security deposit is $150 (may be partially refundable based on a posture walk through with WAC personnel). If keys are not returned to WAC personnel, the cost of replacement will be deducted from the $150 deposit.

WAC will provide the following:

• Access to the WAC space, dates and hours designated by renter and approved by WAC personnel
• Tables, chairs, restroom

WAC will NOT provide the following:

• Insurance coverage for the renter and any others involved with the renter while in the WAC space

Renter will provide the following:
• Prior to rental $150 cleaning/security deposit
• Monthly report and payment for dates and hours renter used the WAC space, due on the first day of the month following month of rental.
• Check made payable to Wrightwood Arts Center, PO Box 1196, Wrightwood, CA 92397
• Cleaning of WAC space after each event: dust-mop, clean toilet, clean area of food service, and any area affected by the event including set-up and tear-down