Storytelling with Vlatka Herzberg

Note: This class has been postponed.

Once upon a time, there was a silver fox farm in Wrightwood. Little fox did not like the idea of becoming a fox fur for someone to wear. He
took his destiny into his own paws with the help of Black Wolf Spirit.

Find out what happens to Little Fox during story time followed by small groups (parents and kids 6 and up) creating their own stories. The free event takes place Saturday, September 10th, 7pm – 8pm at the Wrightwood Arts Center.

Vlatka Herzberg has been writing since the 8th grade, focusing on short stories, screenplays, and comics. Her screenplay Kianti Magik was accepted in the 2012 Squaw Valley Screenwriters Conference. She has written and performed her short stories for schools, events, and individuals in Northern California, New Mexico and Canada. Vlatka has written picture books, ebooks, and comic books, and co-self-published Grandmother Moon and Other Mother Stories.

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