Inspired Natural Healing offers programs in meditation, shamanic breathwork, sacred dance, and creative coaching by art teacher, yoga and meditation teacher, holistic health counselor, artist, healer, priestess, shamanic practitioner, and mother Mary Duman.

Mary Duman is an artist, teacher, healer, and mother. She feels most alive and connected when hiking in nature, painting, sculpting, dancing, singing, praying, meditating, engaging in ritual and ceremony, and inspiring others. She holds certifications as a Natural Health Practitioner and Holistic Health Counselor. Shamanic healing, ritual, and ceremony are also integral aspects of her healing work, informed by her studies with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and the Institute of Modern Wisdom. Her calling is to support and inspire women to know their value as expressions of the Divine and to creatively express their Divinity. She fulfills this calling through her business, Inspired Natural Healing, and her Soul Purpose Coaching program.

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