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Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.
~ Pablo Picasso

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of our lives in profound ways but we have not stopped believing that ART has the power to change our hearts and minds, to call on us to see things a new way. We stand by that truth and commit to continue our efforts in bringing the Arts to our community. See you in 2021. We send our very best wishes for good health, peace and joy today—and in the New Year.

WAC Internship

The Wrightwood Arts Center is excited to announce our first annual internship! It’s an opportunity for local high school or college students to gain valuable experience in event organization, writing, and marketing, while helping to promote the arts in our community. With guidance from our friendly staff, interns will help plan for the Wrightwood Arts Festival and cover local events for our newsletters. In addition to looking great on a college application or resume, it will be a chance to learn new skills and make contacts throughout the regional arts community. The timing and amount of participation is flexible.

The application deadline is January 15th. For more information and to apply, visit our internship page, where you’ll find a PDF application form, including a few short essay questions.

Save the Date

Speaking of the Wrightwood Arts & Wine Festival, mark your calendars and keep your fingers crossed, because we still plan on holding the festival on September 18, 2021!

Halloween Art Class with Leslie Sikes

Our Halloween Zoom class with Leslie Sikes last month was great fun! Ten children registered, and the class had a great time drawing cats, bats, and pumpkins. See some samples below, with a big thank you to Mrs. Sikes and everyone who participated!

Snowline Players’ Christmas with Santa

6:00 p.m.
(Live on YouTube)
Sad that you won’t get to visit Santa this year? Well, the Snowline Players have a surprise for you! Santa is going to take a break from his busy schedule to join them as a special guest for their holiday musicale, “Christmas with Santa.”

Have your children write their annual Christmas letters to Santa and address them to Santa, C/O the Snowline Players, PO Box 720731 Pinon Hills, CA 92372. They can also email him at, and the Snowline Players will make sure he gets the email! Tune in with your kids on the day of the show, because Santa will mention the children who write to him individually by name and talk a little bit about their letters and emails. Make sure to settle in with some eggnog or hot chocolate because this holiday musicale will be peppered (or pepper-minted) with fabulous live performances of your favorite Christmas songs!

All letters must be postmarked by December 14th to make sure Santa gets them before the show. Emails must be sent by the 16th.

This free to the public show will air on YouTube here.

Top 10 Facts About Hibernation

Since live events are problematic during the current coronavirus pandemic, the Wrightwood Arts Center is mostly hibernating. But just what is hibernation? Here are the top 10 fun facts about hibernation*.

10. Hibernation is not about sleeping, but about conserving energy during times of short supply.

9. In hot dry climates, hibernation is often a summer phenomenon (technically called aestivation).

8. In cold climates, winter is the preferred time to hibernate.

7. Squirrels don’t hibernate. During the summer they stash food in many different locations, then in winter, they sleep up to 20 hours a day and head out once a day to raid one of their stashes.

6. The North American wood frog can survive being frozen and thawed throughout the winter.

5. Dormice hold the record as the longest hibernators—up to 11 months. Their name comes from the French word “dormir” meaning “to sleep.”

4. Mostly small animals hibernate, but bears are the exception.

3. Some species of female bears give birth and nurture their cubs during hibernation, enhancing the cubs’ chances of survival once spring comes.

2. Scientists are studying how bears reduce their metabolic states during hibernation and view this process as a way for astronauts to suspend animation (hibernate) during long space voyages (snooze cruises).

1. Although the Wrightwood Arts Center is hibernating during the pandemic, we are still working intently behind the scenes and making grand plans for 2021, including a 3-year Strategic Plan and, hopefully, the WW Arts & Wine Festival. Stayed tuned for more details!

* Adopted with permission from a newsletter by Santa Fe Pro Musica.


© 2020. All individual works copyrighted by their creators; used with permission; all rights reserved.

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  1. Chara Gavaldon Vela

    I woke up this morning to the very pleasant discovery of your existence! My daughter and I are new to WW; we moved last January and barely had a chance to explore it before the pandemic hit. We are looking forward to a promising 2021 and would also love to somehow become part of the Art Center, to contribute and to help promote art and culture in our beautiful town.

    1. Welcome to Wrightwood! We’ve been slowed by the pandemic, too, and had to postpone the first Wrightwood Arts Festival, which had been scheduled for September, but we’re working and planning a lot behind the scenes as we wait for the green light. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter if you haven’t, so you know about meetings and events whenever they resume.

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