April 2020 Newsletter

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The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wetland Beauty” by Joan McCandless

A Letter from the WAC on COVID-19

Dear Wrightwood Arts Center friends,

Our thoughts are with each of you and our community as we face this public health crisis together. We believe the arts can help keep us connected and contribute to our individual and collective well-being. In periods of high stress, we may need the arts even more.

As you can imagine, the Wrightwood Arts Center (WAC) has postponed a number of activities, including the April 13, 2020 Annual Membership meeting, the Meet & Greet which follows and the concomitant art exhibit by Patricia Farrell. Our hope is that we will be able to gather next quarter on Monday, July 13, 2020. We will keep you posted via our website, Facebook page and monthly WAC newsletter.

Another event that many of you have contributed to is the Wrightwood Arts & Wine Festival, originally scheduled for September 19, 2020. The Arts Center board has decided to postpone this event to September 18, 2021. Thanks to so many of you, the foundation has been laid. We look forward to working with you next year, starting where we left off.

In the meantime, we join you in being creative in the coming days: listening to or making music, dancing, painting, cooking, drawing, writing, calling friends, and much more. Don’t stop being human—make art and share it in creative ways including on our Facebook page. The Arts Center board is working on offering a few online courses, arts activities and an occasional watch party that you can join from your living room. Many national groups are doing the same. We’re also working to post additional creative offerings from other groups. Check the Wrightwood Arts Facebook page for creative activities! We hope they help and inspire.

Most of all, we wish you and yours good health.

The Wrightwood Arts Center Board of Directors

April 2020 Membership Campaign

Thank you so much for your past support of the Wrightwood Arts Center. Because you care about the Arts, we have been able to host art classes and artists’ exhibits, organize quarterly Meet & Greets, offer Arts Adventures to museums and plan for the inaugural Wrightwood Arts & Wine Festival.

In this time of uncertainty, please consider renewing your Wrightwood Arts Center membership today. We realize there are so many more important concerns right now. So – if it makes you feel good to support the Arts in Wrightwood, please do so at our membership page.

Our organization is in application for 501©3 Non-profit Status, Tax ID. 83-2421000. Your donation/membership is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Online Classes at Keyboart Art School of Music

Keyboard Art School of Music is offering virtual lessons now, and your first online lesson is free! This is a great way to give it a try and see if it works for you! We also have two new teachers at KASM – Kris Sveen jazz, rock, classical guitar and Tate Kinsella jazz, rock, funk drum kit.

This is a great way for everyone to stay engaged while at home – to keep learning and developing musicianship and knowledge.

Please contact Keyboard Art through their website with any questions.

Online Classes at Love Roots Yoga Shala

Love Roots is working to share live, virtual classes together so they can continue their practice in the support of community through this time of uncertainty and physical distancing. For the full virtual schedule, visit loverootsyogashala.com.

Canceled and Postponed April Events

  • Wrightwood Book Club (My Dear Hamilton: A Novel of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton by Stephanie Dray will hopefully be the book for the May 6th meeting)
  • Wine and Watercolors with Gayle Dowling
  • Patricia Farrell’s art exhibit
  • Classical Concert Series: Spring Concert 2020
  • All Wrightwood Blues Society and Centerstage events

Poem of the Month


by Francesca Bell

      for my husband, 21 years my senior

There are so many times
I could have killed you.

After 28 years of marriage—
the only contact sport
I’ve ever stuck with—

I found myself

crying this morning,
after a trip outside,
singing Happy Birthday

three times through,

just to be sure,

scrubbing despite
the sting of my split skin

as I’ve loved you
through even the rub
of the raw years.

I held my hands steady
in the water’s reassuring scald,

trying and trying
to save you.

—from Rattle’s Poets Respond

Francesca Bell was winner of the 2014 Neil Postman Award for Metaphor. Her first full-length collection, Bright Stain, released from Red Hen Press last year. (web)

A Message from the WWPOA

If you have an emergency call 911. If you are in need of physical or emotional help, or feel isolated please contact the Wrightwood Property Owners Association. Our village cares!


If you would like to be on the helper list please call the number and leave your name.



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